Week 17: wrapping it up

  • Has your viewpoint of social media changed?
    • My viewpoint of how to utilize social media for a business has enhanced and I am now more aware of the best way to use social media as a networking and marketing platform. My viewpoint has changed because I now see the potential it has for businesses to gain a bigger audience by using it. 
    • During this semester, I was able to use all of the social media platforms to my advantage and learn more about what each one has to offer a business. It is important to understand the benefits each platform offers because one may work better for a business than another, so knowing which you want to use is key to using social media. 
  • Do you have a better understanding of how to use it successfully to develop a business?
    • Yes, I definitely have a better understanding of how to use social media to successfully develop a business because this whole semester was about learning how to accomplish that. I now understand the different features each platform offers, so I know which ones I want to use for my business. For instance, I would prefer to use Youtube for personal videos that my audience can watch because it would create more of a personal connection with them and they are able to see my face and hear me talk about the topics that I want to share. 
    • Also, Instagram is a huge marketing platform that I want to use because it is aimed towards a younger generation and the posts are simple and provide enough information for my audience to understand the message. Also, Instagram enables my audience to follow me and stay up to date on everything I post, which is important to gaining credibility. Also, Facebook is a great platform that I learned about using, which offers a great marketing section that I can use daily. It will help me with my posts, but most importantly,  gain and analyze the data on my business page. This is helpful to understand my data better and be able to know if I am reaching the right audience, which posts had more engagement than others, and the amount of people who follow and unfollow me . 
  • Did you find social media for businesses, services and products you want to use yourself?
    • Yes, I am always coming across businesses on Instagram and Yelp that I have tried out and ended up loving them. Social media is a convenient way to search and explore the page of that business, before you have to contact them or meet in person. I have come across amazing pages that always have great reviews on their page, which gives credibility to their site and makes me want to try it out even more. 


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