Week 2a: Intro to Social Media

     Social media has become the main source for businesses to reach their desired target market. Over the years, it has helped small and large businesses spread awareness of their company, especially from word-of-mouth from friends that have tried them out also. Some platforms are geared towards personal use, such as Twitter and Instagram. Twitter is more focused on people who want to share their thoughts and talk about social viewpoints. I don't see many companies promoting ads and having a platform that they pay a lot of attention to on a daily basis. Instagram can also be used for personal use because people use it for their own personal means and search the web for businesses they may be interested in buying from.

     On the other hand, the platforms that work better for business use are Instagram and Facebook. Instagram is also used for businesses since they are able to reach a large niche and create a platform where people can follow them and interact with their posts. It also allows companies to tag their products in the post and inform the consumer on the prices for the products shown. Facebook also is a business platform because they are able to have ads running at certain hours of the day when most of their audience is online. They are also able to target and narrow down their ads to certain demographics they are trying to reach. Consumers who go on Facebook or more than likely to be browsing for funny videos and hot new products that everyone is talking about, without being certainly aware that the ads they are seeing on their feed are directly targeted to them.

Like I mentioned above, Instagram seems to work well for both, personal and business use. There are millions of accounts that are used for personal use, such as people who use it to keep in contact with their close friends and family members. These people usually use their account for fun and leisure. Then there are companies who use Instagram for their brand and try to market it as much as they can to reach their niche and get customers on their page. This platform is used for both sides of the spectrum and it seems to only be growing more and more each day.


  1. Hi Francesca,
    I definitely agree that Facebook and Instagram have a good place in business. Those were my two picks as well. It makes sense that Instagram can better target their customers with their ads since their promoted posts look identical to posts of someone they're following.
    Nice write up!

  2. Hi Francesa,
    I think that social media has definitely helped businesses grow. Business are able to connect with their customers on a whole new platform and advertise whats going on in there company. I do get tired of seeing ad after ad on facebook and instagram. I agree that social media is only growing.

  3. Hi Francesca,

    You made very interesting points. Ad's are a huge part of social media and only continuing to grow businesses. Interaction between company and consumer is definitely more prevalent in the social media world today. Really well worded!


  4. Hey Francesca,
    I agree that those targeted ads can be lucrative. I like your write up about Instagram and the niches that can be exploited on there for businesses.

  5. Hi Francesca,
    I totally agree about social media being used as a good way to promote their businesses and use it as a target market. I'm using social media to promote my photography "business". But I do agree with how social media use target group to use the ads in a way that would be super beneficially.


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