Week 11: Email Marketing

Every business benefits from having a newsletter, even if they send out emails every so often. When it comes to my business, LifePeak, I will be using a newsletter and sending out information on various topics that will fit my audience best. Some topics may include: manifestation, law of attraction, life goals, motivation, etc. These topics will be interesting to my audience and it will teach them more about self-help, which will also allow them to become more intrigued in my business.
I wouldn't want to overwhelm my audience with emails, so I would send about one or two emails a week, just enough to grab their attention and not annoy them.


  1. Hi Francesca,
    I love the topics that you listed for your potential newsletter! I think the idea of doing themed newsletters could be really beneficial to your audience. Perhaps you could do a monthly newsletter with each month focusing on one of the topics you mentioned (manifestation, law of attraction, life goals, ect). It could be a great way to focus the newsletter on a topic that is in line with the time of year and tentpole moments happening for your demographic. For example, have the January newsletter be about Life Goals since so many people set new year's resolutions.

  2. As a subscriber, I would really enjoy reading the content you have planned. They are all great ideas and seem like they would benefit your target audience. As the previous poster mentioned, tailoring it to the time of year, especially the holidays as they are difficult for some with all the added stress, would be a really good idea as well!


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