Week 15b: Facebook Analytics

Facebook does a great job at letting business owners discover collected data from their pages in order to create a better experience. For this post, I analyzed Professor Faulk's data.

The Total Followers page allows you to see the total number of followers the page has, the time frame in months, and a chart that shows the timeline of the followers increasing overtime.

The Likes page shows organic likes in a light blue, paid likes in a darker blue, unlikes in red, and net likes in a dark blue line. This is shown over a timetable of a few months also, where there are quite a few unlikes and organic likes happening simultaneously. It also shows where the likes came from, which is very helpful to know and utilize for future likes. This is also the same for followers and how they are being tracked.

Page Previews shows the total page previews in the span of six days at a time. This also shows total people who previewed by age and gender. The line graph goes up, down, neutral, then back up again. The page summary is probably the most useful because it shows activity from the last seven days and if the engagement with the post has gone up or down. The response rate of the audience is recorded, as well as how many people the posts have reached.

Post Reach is an estimate number of people who had any posts from your page enter their screen. This is recorded on a chart as well, which has organic and paid posts shown to describe the type of post reach you are getting. There is also a section that shows recommendations from people in posts and comments.

Reach has reactions, comments, shares, and more that are actions which will help you reach more people. The graph is categorized as reactions, comments, shares, and other, which helps break up this type of interaction with the page posts to understand it better.

The posts section shows data for a recent 1-week period, with insights for the time of the day that is useful to let us know when our audience is online the most. This would help with knowing what time of the day is best to post on the page so that more people will see it fresh on their feed. Also, there is a all posts published section that shows each post you've ever posted with data on; type, targeting, reach, engagement, and promote. This is helpful because it has the data all in one area, so you're able to compare the posts you've posted and see which one has more reach and engagement.

Lastly, there is a People section that allows you to see the demographics of your fans, followers,  people reaches, and people engaged. This is important to be aware of because if you have a specific niche you're aiming for, it's important to pay attention to these data analytics.


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