Week 9 Twitter

My twitter: https://twitter.com/LifePeak2

  • In order to find similar accounts, I used the search words: mindset, life coach, motivation, Tony Robbins, self-development, and manifestation. With using these searches, I was able to find the right accounts I was looking for and followed a few that had relatable tweets. The accounts I followed were, MindsetOfGreatness, GrowthMindset, TonyRobbins, and LifeCoachHub. 
  • The two lists I created were, Manifest, Mindset, and Life Coach. Although these topics are similar to one another, I wanted to break them down into three different groups because it allows my audience to choose which one they're interested in the most. Having these three lists and adding different accounts to them, allows me to be more organized and able to separate my content. The three topics are all useful and all serve different meanings for people, so it is best for me to have each one individually put together.
  • I feel that the best time to post a tweet that would reach my audience the best, would be around 6-8pm. This is the time that people are done with work, scrolling on social media because they have more down-time, etc. 


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