
Showing posts from April, 2019

Week 13b: online advertising

With my business advertising, using banner ads could help boost the engagement of a product I am selling, which could stay on the banner for a while. Also, diversifying my online advertising across multiple social medias will help build my social presence across all channels. Being able to post videos and stories on my social media about what programs, content, or masterclass I am promoting will be beneficial to me and my audience.

Week 13: online advertising

Find 5 businesses similar to yours (large to small) and study the social advertising they use. In your opinion does their advertising seem effective? Social advertising has become more effective as technology has progressed over the years. Every small or large business has mastered an effective way of online marketing to their customers. For instance, I've seen a company create a video that they post on Facebook explaining a problem that their business could solve. This attracts many people to watch because it's short, sweet, and to the point. It doesn't require much reading, it just allows the person in the video to connect to the watcher more and provide the most relevant information. Also, I've seen someone promote a program their selling or post pictures on their Instagram story trying to get more people aware of it. I personally think this type of social advertising is best because an Instagram story is easy and short to watch also, so more people will be willing ...

Week 11b

Matthew Dangyou Jason Bush Tracey Walz

Week 11: Email Marketing

Every business benefits from having a newsletter, even if they send out emails every so often. When it comes to my business, LifePeak, I will be using a newsletter and sending out information on various topics that will fit my audience best. Some topics may include: manifestation, law of attraction, life goals, motivation, etc. These topics will be interesting to my audience and it will teach them more about self-help, which will also allow them to become more intrigued in my business. I wouldn't want to overwhelm my audience with emails, so I would send about one or two emails a week, just enough to grab their attention and not annoy them.

Week 10: Personal Blog Posts

When it comes to a blog being personal, there has to be some personality involved in the posts in order to create a connection with the reader. Especially, if the person writing the blog is the face of the brand. The person writing the blog, for themselves or for another company, must take into consideration the amount of personal interest they wish to involve in the post. It is very useful to connect to the reader on a blog post because it allows them to relate it to a personal experience they've had. For instance, for my blog posts that I must write for my life coaching business, I must be able to create a connection with my audience and be able to share personal stories with them that will allow them to relate with me. This will allow my readers/ audience to open up to me and allow a deeper connection with who I am as a person and not just who I am on the blog posts.

Week 9 Twitter

My twitter: In order to find similar accounts, I used the search words: mindset, life coach, motivation, Tony Robbins, self-development, and manifestation. With using these searches, I was able to find the right accounts I was looking for and followed a few that had relatable tweets. The accounts I followed were, MindsetOfGreatness, GrowthMindset, TonyRobbins, and LifeCoachHub.  The two lists I created were, Manifest, Mindset, and Life Coach. Although these topics are similar to one another, I wanted to break them down into three different groups because it allows my audience to choose which one they're interested in the most. Having these three lists and adding different accounts to them, allows me to be more organized and able to separate my content. The three topics are all useful and all serve different meanings for people, so it is best for me to have each one individually put together. I feel that the best time to post a tweet that wo...