When it comes to having a blog, I am all about my themes looking simple, yet eye catching. The reason I chose this blog theme is because the background has two different options, a picture and a color to complement it, which keeps it interesting. The fonts also complement the page and make it pleasing to the reader. This theme also allows the posts to be on the homepage and be shown in order of the date posted. This is helpful for anyone looking at my blog because my posts are easy to locate and right where they need to be. The posts only show a certain amount of the text, then is followed by a 'read more' button in order to read the full post. I like this because it doesn't take up too much room on the home page and it gives the reader a choice to read the full post or not. This detail also makes each post the same width and length, making it look more clean. Themes are important for a blog because it sets the mood and allows your audience to enjoy what they're loo...
Social media has become the main source for businesses to reach their desired target market. Over the years, it has helped small and large businesses spread awareness of their company, especially from word-of-mouth from friends that have tried them out also. Some platforms are geared towards personal use, such as Twitter and Instagram. Twitter is more focused on people who want to share their thoughts and talk about social viewpoints. I don't see many companies promoting ads and having a platform that they pay a lot of attention to on a daily basis. Instagram can also be used for personal use because people use it for their own personal means and search the web for businesses they may be interested in buying from. On the other hand, the platforms that work better for business use are Instagram and Facebook. Instagram is also used for businesses since they are able to reach a large niche and create a platform where people can follow them and inte...
When it comes to a blog being personal, there has to be some personality involved in the posts in order to create a connection with the reader. Especially, if the person writing the blog is the face of the brand. The person writing the blog, for themselves or for another company, must take into consideration the amount of personal interest they wish to involve in the post. It is very useful to connect to the reader on a blog post because it allows them to relate it to a personal experience they've had. For instance, for my blog posts that I must write for my life coaching business, I must be able to create a connection with my audience and be able to share personal stories with them that will allow them to relate with me. This will allow my readers/ audience to open up to me and allow a deeper connection with who I am as a person and not just who I am on the blog posts.
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