week 8 1b. Get Visual
ManifestationBabe Kathrin is very effective with using her social media to reach her audience, she is uses every major platform of social media. As far as visual social media goes, she uses Youtube, Pinterest, but not Snapchat. Her Pinterest account has 1,133 followers, 520,000 monthly viewers, last post was 8 hours ago, and she posts multiple posts each day. Some of her posts have a big engagement, while others have minimal engagement, but this doesn't discourage her from posting every day. Her Youtube account has 4,824 subscribers, while the majority of her videos get about 300 views. She is posting about three videos a week, talking about certain topics. Her Youtube videos don't show her in the videos, they are just an audio recording of her talking on that topic. The posts on there don't get many comments at all. This business' visual social media can help improve my own by getting ideas about which posts get most engagement and how she uses SEO on her posts. Thi...