Week 5a: Target Market

For this weeks assignment, I have decided to pay closer attention to the Hungry Bear Deli and Subway websites. They are both sandwich shops, but not entirely similar when it comes to their specified niche.

When it comes to the basic observations, Hungry Bear Deli is most likely targeting middle-older aged adults who are looking for a gourmet sandwich spot to eat for lunch. On their website they promote high quality and fresh ingredients. Subway on the other hand is targeting children, families, and a younger college audience who are trying to get fast and easy sandwiches. Their website also mentions fresh veggies and smarter nutrition. I would assume Hungry Bear is aiming towards male customers because of the sandwiches looking more meaty and large portioned. While subway is aiming for female and male customers who are wanting slimmer and more simpler sandwiches, preferably easier to eat on the go.

There is definitely a crossover between the two different customers, such as they both are interested in sandwiches and enjoy eating them for a meal. Also, people who are on a budget will go to these two places because they are filling and cheaper than other restaurants. The similarity can also include people with limited time because it is quicker than going to a sit down restaurant to go eat.

Just by looking at the sites website design, I could draw the conclusion that they are trying to target younger to middle aged men who like to drink alcohol and eat large, meaty sandwiches. Their logo has a chubby bear holding a sandwich and looking happy. In the social section of their website, they have bottle tops as buttons/links to their social media sites, meaning the customers will be interested in drinking. Subway's website has a picture of a young college girl smiling with a Subway sandwich in her hand, which could mean that is part of the target market they are aiming for. They also promote healthy ingredients which could mean they're looking for parents with kids and a younger generation who care about what they're feeding their body.


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